‘Was there ever a doubt???”Can’t afford to have him get injured’ Aaron Judge’s Selection for the 2024 All-Star Game Sparks Excitement Among Fans

Aaron Judge, the superstar of the New York Yankees, has been playing amazing this season. His contributions have been crucial to the Bronx Bombers’ 52–31 record, which is the best in the American League.

Furthermore, Judge’s attendance in the All-Star Game this season is not shоcking. While Bryce Harper gained the most votes on the National League side, he won the most and will lead the American League.

New York Yankees Slugger Aaron Judge

Given his high vote total, Judge has earned a starting position in the AL starting lineup. He received 3,425,309 votes at the end of Phase 1 of the voting.

Regarding Judge’s revelation of earning a position in an All-Star game, fans don’t appear to agree. While some people are thrilled for the celebrity, others are concerned that he might get wоunded while participating in the game:

“Was there ever a doubt???” A fan shared.

“Not at all. Can’t afford for him to get hurt while participating in that match,” remarked someone else.

Another person commented, “I think you take these days off and rest.”

Aaron Judge - All-Star Game Starter 

AL Outfielder 

Top Vote-Getter

Fans believe there is a significant chance of ιnjury at the All-Star game because of the volume of injuries this season. The Yankees’ chances of winning the rest of the way would be severely diminished if Aaron Judge were to fall:

Another fan remarked, “Of course… when you’re the best.”Well deserved, exclaimed someone another.”Without a doubt, the best baseball player,” stated someone else.

Concerns about possible injuries are not too great for other supporters. All they can sаy is that they are pleased with their captain’s performance and the credit he deserves.

Aaron Judge of the Yankees is expected to have a spectacular 2022 season.

New York Yankees - Aaron Judge (Image via USA Today)

Aaron Judge has not slumped while the Yankees have. Judge has homered in three of the team’s last five games, and he is on track to surpass his historic 2022 season despite the club’s poor performance.

The three-time Silver Slugger Award winner has 30 home runs, which leads the league, through 80 games. He needs to go just about halfway to tie the record for most home runs in a season that he established two years prior.

Judge is only the third player in MLB history to Һit at least 30 home runs three times before the All-Star break, according to MLB.com. This demonstrates how exceptional of a batter he is in comparison to all the other greats that baseball fans have witnessed throughout the years.