Post-game conference with our goodest boy Ross (oh and Hunter) 🐶

clears throat and steps up to the podium, adjusting the microphone Alright everyone, thanks for joining us here today. We’ve got a very special post-game interview with our goodest boy, Ross, and his human companion, Hunter.

gestures to Ross, who sits calmly at Hunter’s side, tail wagging enthusiastically

Ross, first of all, congratulations on another stellar performance out there today! How are you feeling after that big win?

leans in with microphone, as if Ross will actually speak

Ross: lets out a happy bark and wags his tail even faster

Aw, look at that tail go! I think that translates to “I’m feeling great, thanks for asking!” Am I right, Hunter?

Hunter: chuckles Absolutely. Ross is just thrilled to be here and really enjoyed being out on the field today. He gave it his all, as usual.

Wonderful, wonderful. Now, Ross, I have to ask – what was going through that adorable head of yours as you were out there making all those incredible plays? You were truly a force to be reckoned with!

Ross: lets out another bark, this one a little more excited

Hunter: Haha, Ross says he was just focused on having fun and making his humans proud. He loves being out there with the team and doing his part to help us win.

Aw, what a team player! I have to say, Ross, your dogged determination (pun intended) is truly inspiring. How do you maintain that level of energy and enthusiasm game after game?

Ross: lets out a contented sigh and leans against Hunter’s leg

Hunter: smiles and gives Ross a gentle pat Well, I think the secret is lots of naps, treats, and quality time with his favorite people. Ross knows how to balance hard work with plenty of rest and relaxation.

Ah, the perfect formula! Now, before we wrap this up, is there anything else you’d like to share with the fans, Ross?

Ross: lets out one final bark, then settles down, looking up at Hunter with adoring eyes

Hunter: chuckles I think that’s Ross’s way of saying he’s happy, healthy, and ready to keep putting in 110% for this team. He’s grateful for all the love and support from the fans.

Wonderful, wonderful. There you have it, folks – straight from the goodest boy himself! This has been an absolute delight. Ross, Hunter, thank you both for your time, and congratulations again on the big win. You’re the real MVPs in my book!

turns to the camera and flashes a thumbs up